Forceps Delivery Claims

Most births go according to plan, but if you have had a ventouse or forceps delivery that caused harm to you or your baby, you could be able to make a claim for compensation.


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What is a forceps delivery claim?

A forceps delivery is a type of assisted birth when the doctors or midwives use forceps to help deliver babies. A healthcare professional might recommend a forceps delivery if your baby is showing signs of distress or if it is in too difficult a position to be delivered on its own.

You might also have to have a forceps delivery if you need help delivering your baby because you’re exhausted after being in labour for a long time. An assisted birth is also recommended when there is a risk to your life or your baby’s life.

These are normally routine procedures, but they can go wrong and you or your baby could be hurt. You could suffer from various injuries, including:

  • Tearing
  • Blood loss
  • Resulting incontinence

Your baby could also suffer from a number of injuries, including:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Skull damage
  • Scratches and cuts
  • Facial nerve damage
  • Swelling

Why should I make a forceps delivery claim?

If you or your baby has been injured during a ventouse or forceps delivery, you could be able to make a claim for compensation. This could go a long way towards helping you get back on your feet or helping your baby recover.

Depending on the severity of the injury your baby suffered during the birth, the compensation you could be awarded could also go towards making their life more comfortable.

Is there a time limit for making a forceps delivery claim?

In most cases of medical negligence, such as a forceps delivery that has gone wrong, you have three years to make a claim for compensation. However, you may not realise for a long period that the care you received during the birth was responsible for the injury you or your baby suffered. When this is the case, you would have three years from when you realise. This is known as the date of knowledge.

If the injury is to your baby, they will have three years from their 18th birthday to make a claim. And if you are claiming on behalf of someone without the capacity to claim for themselves, you will not face a time limit.

How much compensation will I receive?

Every case is different. This means that it is difficult to say exactly what you might be entitled to without a consultation. If you’d like to find out more about what you might receive in compensation, just get in touch.

I think I have a forceps delivery claim – what should I do?

If you think you have a forceps delivery claim, the most important thing to do is focus on your recovery. When you’ve had the appropriate medical treatment for your injury, you should then start thinking about making things right.

You are entitled to compensation after suffering from medical negligence. This means if you or your baby suffered an injury as a result of a forceps delivery, you should contact First4Lawyers.

Our compassionate and understanding claims advisors will take some details from you and help you work out the best course of action for your specific case. To get in touch, just give us a call, request a call back or start your claim online.


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